Somatic Experiencing

Brail Trail 2-3 with Deer.jpg

What is Somatic Experiencing?

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is an approach that teaches body-awareness in individuals that have experienced trauma on any level. Trauma can occur in-utero, during the birthing process, and throughout any stage in life. It can be caused by a direct experience or by witnessing a traumatic or horrifying event. It can be caused by living through a stressful world event, or by the loss of a loved one, including pets. There is shock trauma, such as an explosive event, automobile accident, or assault, as well as inescapable trauma such as sexual, emotional, psychological, and physical abuse.

Somatic Experience is taught throughout the world and is the culmination of nearly fifty years of research and development by Dr. Peter Levine. Dr. Levine theorized that human beings have a built-in ability to overcome the effects of trauma, but tend to override the body’s wisdom by shutting down the natural processes. 

SE teaches and restores self-regulation and returns a sense of aliveness, relaxation, and wholeness to those who have lost these abilities. Through the application of this body-based approach, balance can be restored, nervous systems calmed, and symptoms reduced.